Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel...

I spent most of last week up in the City at the yearly geo-fest. This is the big meeting where 15,000+ geo-nerds descend on the city and talk shop. The meeting is a lot of fun in some respects (Christmas time in Union Square, seeing lots of old friends, hearing about the latest science) and thoroughly exhausting in others. It usually happens during finals week and the meeting is just TOO big. And it grows every year. How many geo-geeks are too many?

It is nice to be back in Santa Cruz; it is raining (finally) and the last real hurtle is getting the grading done. We diligently spent the weekend and yesterday grading the final projects. Hope to finish some time tomorrow???? Then Seattle on Friday. Yay! Looking forward to sleep, family, the smell of many tasty baked things, sleep....

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tis the Season

For decorating the palm tree.
We didn't get very far with our tree decorating last year (one strand of lights and about 3 balls). Seemed better to just decorate the slightly sad-looking living room palm. I think it looks happier now. Especially with the cardboard and tinfoil star tucked in the top.

For unrestrained eating.
The next time someone asks me what I'm training for, I will tell them I'm perpetually in training for the season of unrestrained eating. Otherwise, I'd have to turn down some of the many opportunities for dessert/turkey/friends' miscellaneous family delicacies/multiple days of eating in the City during AGU. Yum.

For rain?
We haven't gotten much of that yet. This could be a problem; many areas still have official water restrictions and it is already December. This doesn't bode well for the upcoming ski season or, more importantly, the snowpack and reservoir recharge status out here.